Wele'r hwn sydd holl( )gyfoethog

1,2,3,4;  1,3.
(Ymostyngiad Crist)
Wele'r hwn sydd holl gyfoethog;
  Wedi dyfod yn dylawd;
Gado'r nefoedd a'i gogoniant,
  Dyfod yma i wisgo cnawd;
    Rhyfedd gariad
  Iesu Grist ein hanwyl Frawd.

Wele foroedd o fendithion,
  O! am brofi'u nefol flas;
Ni bydd diwedd byth ar lawnder
  Iachawdwriaeth dwyfol ras;
    Dyma ddigon
  Gorfoledda f'enaid mwy.

Tlodion cānt eu cyfoethogi
  Trwy ei fawr dylodi ef:
Colledigion cânt achubiaeth,
  Trwy ei iachawdwriaeth Ef;
   lch iddo,
  Byth am ddod i'n daear ni.

Awn ymlaen i geisio'r Iesu,
  Tro bo Ef yn awr i'w gael;
I rodfeydd ei ras mae'n dyfod
  Lle mae'n hynod iawn o hael;
    Diolch iddo
  Byth fe wrendy
      gŵyn y gwael.
holl gyfoethog :: hollgyfoethog
Tlodion cânt :: Tlodion gaiff
Colledigion cânt :: Rhai a gollwyd gaiff
ei iachawdwriaeth Ef :: ei iachawdwriaeth gref
am ddod i'n daear ni :: am farw yn ein lle
Gorfoledda f'enaid mwy ::        
        Rhoddwn glod i'n Harglwydd da

1,3,4: William Hughes 1761-1826
2 : William Jones 1764-1822
William Jones 1784-1847

Tonau [878747]:
Mannheim (Friedrich Filitz 1804-76)
St Garmon (E M Price 1816-98)

  Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig
  Dyma iachawdwriaeth hyfryd

(The Submission of Christ)
See him who is all-wealthy;
  Having become poor;
Leaving the heavens and his glory,
  Coming here to wear flesh;
    Amazing love
  Jesus Christ our dear Brother.

See seas of blessings,
  Oh, to experience their heavenly taste;
There never be an end to the fulness
  Of the salvation of divine grace;
    Here is sufficient
  My soul will be jubilant evermore.

The poor may get made rich
  Through his great impoverishment:
The lost may get deliverance,
  Through His great salvation;
    Thanks to him
  Forever, for coming to our earth.

Let us go onward to seek Jesus,
  While He is now to be had;
To the avenues of his grace he is coming
  Where he is very remarkably generous;
    Thanks to him
  Forever he will hear
      the complaint of the abject.
The poor may get :: The poor will get
The lost may get :: Those who were lost will get
His salvation :: his strong salvation
for coming to our earth :: for dying in our place
My soul will be jubilant evermore ::        
        Let us give praise to our good Lord

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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